The Zoomers to Boomers Business Show

Monologue: Uniting Experience and Fresh Perspectives in Business

Hank Eder

Hank Eder is the Chief Instigator at Hank Eder, PR/Marketing, a one-stop shop for all things marketing, including design, branding, website building, branded copywriting, press releases, SEO, and more.

Can generational stereotypes be shattered through candid conversations and shared wisdom? On the premier episode of the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show, we promise to challenge all preconceived notions about business across generations. Join us as we introduce our new format that bridges the gap between the seasoned expertise of Boomer entrepreneurs and the innovative spirit of Gen Z trailblazers. This isn't just a facelift from the Home Business Success Show—it's a revolution in how we view and discuss entrepreneurship.

As your host, Hank Eder, also known as Hank the PR Guy, I invite you to tune in for a roller coaster of insights and revelations. From the essentials of growing a traditional business to the most current digital strategies, we cover it all with a fresh perspective and open dialogue. Whether you’re a veteran entrepreneur or a budding innovator, our show offers a treasure trove of knowledge that transcends generational divides. Listen as we feature industry giants and rising stars, discussing everything from social media mastery to the power of unconventional business models.


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This is the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show and you're listening to bizradious all entrepreneurs all the time. Welcome everyone. I'm Hank Eder, also known as Hank the PR Guy, host of the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show, the show formerly known as the Home Business Success Show. You're listening to bizradious all entrepreneurs all the time. The Home Business Success Show has gotten a makeover. Welcome to the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show. Today's episode reminds me of that feeling I get right before a roller coaster takes off a thrilling mix of anticipation and excitement, because in the last three weeks, we not only hit the ground running, we launched ourselves into a whole new orbit. The Home Business Success Show has been your trusted companion on the entrepreneurial journey. We've celebrated triumphs, navigated challenges and shared invaluable insights together. But the business landscape is ever-evolving, and so are we. In essence, we've shed our old skin to embrace the future. We've said goodbye to the Home Business Success Show because we've proudly unveiled our brand new format, the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show. I know it's a mouthful, but hear me out. Our new format perfectly encapsulates the spirit of what we're setting out to achieve. We're not just about home businesses anymore. We're about empowering entrepreneurs of all stripes from the seasoned veterans of the boomer generation to the tech savvy wizards of Gen Z.


Let's face it, the business world is rife with generational stereotypes. We've all heard them the boomers, supposedly workaholics, chained to their desks, loyal to a fault and probably a little resistant to change. Then there's Gen X, the independent and self-sufficient go-getters, often described as cynical and skeptical of authority. Millennials well, they get a whole buffet of labels Entitled trophy kids who job hop like it's a hobby, obsessed with avocado toast hey, don't get me started on avocado toast. And Gen Z they're the digital natives, the social media masters, perhaps a little impatient and all about instant gratification. We're here to shatter all these tired cliches. Here's the thing Stereotypes are useless, really useless. They're limiting, inaccurate and, frankly, they're insulting and even becoming boring.


The Zoomers to Boomers business show will work tirelessly to shatter those limitations. This show will be your one-stop shop for diverse business wisdom, a vibrant marketplace of ideas where experience meets fresh perspectives. We'll be inviting guests from every corner of the business world, from established industry leaders who have seen it all to the rising young stars who are taking the market by storm. Imagine, if you will, a conversation between a boomer who built a brick-and-mortar retail empire and a Gen Z entrepreneur who's using social media to create a sustainable clothing line, directly connecting with consumers. We'll have frank discussions about everything from the nuts and bolts of scaling a traditional business to the innovative strategies of the digital age. But here's the kicker we're all about fostering honest and open dialogue. We believe that the real progress happens when we challenge assumptions and encourage different perspectives to collide. We'll be creating a space where our guests can share their experiences, both the victories and the setbacks, because that's where the true learning happens. Maybe a boomer entrepreneur can learn a thing or two about social media marketing from a Gen Z whiz kid, while that same Gen Z entrepreneur can glean valuable insights from the seasoned wisdom of a business veteran.


This won't be your average business show. We're committed to venturing off the beaten path, exploring roads less traveled that most business shows leave untouched. We'll be featuring stories of entrepreneurs who are pursuing unconventional passions, building businesses that prioritize social impact and even redefining what success means in today's world. Imagine learning from a Gen Z entrepreneur who left the corporate world to open a community yoga studio. Or a millennial artist who's using crowdfunding to launch their own line of eco-friendly paint will showcase the power of defying expectations and carving your own unique path in the business world.


So, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur looking to refresh your approach or a young go-getter just starting out, the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show has something for you. We'll be tackling the hottest topics like leveraging social media for different generations, adapting business strategies to changing demographics and even navigating the sometimes tricky dynamics of generational differences within your own team. We're here to be your guide on this exciting entrepreneurial adventure. In the coming weeks, you can expect some surprises, innovative interview segments and a guest lineup that will keep us all challenged and entertained at the same time. Here are a few highlights from our last three weeks of the Zoomers to Boomers business show.


Yeah, so what I do really is that, when we align with our true self, what happens is when we really break down these barriers we have with ourselves to fully expressing who we are and take off all of the masks of conditioning, right, something really amazing happens, where this magnetism that we have really starts to shine and we can really start attracting that.


And if you've ever gone into a room or gone to a party and there's that person, that's just, there's something more to them than charisma, right, it's a magnetism, it's like this strength that you just want to get to know them, and they tend to be the life of the party, whether anybody knew them beforehand, really or not.


And we all have this ability, right, whether it's in an introverted or an extroverted way, like we all have this natural ability within us to do it in a way that's very unique to us, just like fingerprints. I don't know if you know this, but a friend of mine his name is CI Dixon and he is incredible. He actually was mentored by Zig Ziglar and that's a really cool story, but either way, he told me about fingerprints and how nobody that has ever lived in the past or will ever live in the future will have the exact same fingerprint as you, and like I knew that, but it really just sunk in at that moment and really it just blew my mind and that's really what, like what our energy signature is like, and so when we really hone that, we can really pull in everything that's meant for us and simultaneously repel the things that aren't right for us, and that's what.


I teach. That's awesome. So then we have a unique, specific energy signature that's unlike anybody else's on the planet who's ever lived or ever will live, Exactly. Yeah, there's quite a difference between, I think, trying to coerce someone into working with you or shaming them into working with you or creating some atmosphere of fear about what will happen to them if they don't work with you, as opposed to having that law of attraction and having the attraction not just the attraction marketing, but having that alignment between the individuals actually come into focus and be the guiding factor.


Yeah, absolutely. And you know, there is this whole human element, the guiding factor. Yeah, absolutely. And there is this whole human element of fear of missing out and things like that. Those are still active parts of attraction, marketing and the type that I do, but it's an organic one, right? The groups that I run.


What happens is is that word of mouth happens and, as we know, word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing still, because, you know, social proof is everything, and so word of mouth is very, very organic form of social proof. It's like the OG of social proof here. And so what happens is people talk about the transformations and how excited they are about things that are happening, and how excited they are about things that are happening and, like, I just ran a three-day series and there were tears in multiple points of it, like heavy, emotional, like just shedding old conditioning tears right, lightening, and so those people are going to share that experience with the people they care about most and that's going to be such a powerful thing that those people are then going to want to be part of it and they don't want to miss out on that. So that's an organic fear of missing out without having to create a false sense of FOMO with shame.


If they want to journal, you want to use astrology, If you want to look at human design, if you want to look at gene keys. There are so many different tools that are available for us to kind of get to know ourselves a little deeper. One of the more traditional ones is probably the Myers-Briggs, which is now, I think, 16 personalities you know, and that's based on traditional psychology. But whatever path you take to get a little more curious about yourself is going to always bring you grand insight, as long as you stay in that framework of curiosity.


Right? Well, you know there's such a disconnect. I can't speak for the rest of the world and I can't speak for all of America, but it seems to me that here in America there is a very, very wide disconnect between what people feel they are and what many, many, many people do for a living. You know, they're nine to five, they're Monday through Friday. That's why we always hear things like oh, it's Monday, it's gloomy and depressing, or thank God, it's Friday, whereas, as you know, the solopreneurs and maybe the solopreneurs don't really have any preference as to what they really is in that sense, because if they are living their joy and if they're connected with their purpose and if their business is even tied into their authentic self and their purpose, there is no disconnect between who they are and what they do. Would you comment on that a bit?


Absolutely, and I believe that authenticity is actually something that almost all of us are extremely hungry for. We want more authenticity, we want to know more and feel actually connected and engaged with the people we're buying services and goods from.


And it's pretty amazing 30 children's books on donor conception for the kids. Which would bring me back to my next question, which is who is your primary audience for these books?


It's really five family types, and the way that you decide which book is yours is you pick your family type first. So family types would be single moms by choice, single dads by choice, which is a new trend too. There are plenty of men who are saying you know, I haven't found the right woman. I want to have a child, and so they embark on the same journey. There's mom and dad families who use an egg donor or a sperm donor or an embryo donor, and let's see what else do? We have Two moms, two dads, so I think I got them all. So you start with the family type and then we've whittled it down to boy and girl character, so it can be closer to the child you're reading it to, and then you pick the conception type. So some people use only an egg donor, some people use only a sperm donor and some use both, and some use embryos that are left over from other people's IVF journeys. So it's a I think it's a read together kind of thing.


I think the the target audience is the parents, but also the kids.


Um, it's meant to be read together and to open up a discussion that is generally and possibly seen as uncomfortable. Um, but giving a child what they need um to form their identity around donor conception, which historically has been very covered up, very ignored and very denied. But I think what we've learned from speaking to donor-conceived adults because we now have this first generation of donor-conceived adults is that you never want there to be a time when a child had to learn that they were donor-conceived. So there's a phrase used often which is you know early and often, talk about it early and talk about it often. So, even if they don't fully understand, you know the act of engaging in this relaying of information to them. They are taking it in, and that might be different when they're being, when they are being read to at three than when they're being read to at five, but it's planting the seed of them never having to find out and always understanding that their genetics may not be fully from one or both their parents.


Thanks for being here with us today. Please join us next Wednesday on the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show right here on bizradious and in the podcast universe on all your favorite podcast venues. As you go about your day today, I want to remind you to practice kindness. It's the greatest uniter this world has ever known. See you again next week. This is Hank Eder, wishing all of you a fabulous, productive and successful day.