The Zoomers to Boomers Business Show

Harnessing Personal Magnetism & Quantum Theory for Business Growth

Hank Eder / Molli Lou Hollows

What if you could harness the power of your unique energy signature to attract success effortlessly? This episode of the rebranded Zoomers to Boomers Business Show, hosted by me, Hank Eder, also known as Hank the PR Guy, brings you an enlightening conversation with Molli Lou Hollows, a spiritual advisor and business consultant. Molli reveals how aligning with our true selves can elevate our magnetism, making us more attractive to the right opportunities and people. We delve into the intriguing world of quantum entanglement and explore how it intersects with personal magnetism, merging the law of attraction with actionable business strategies. Get ready to uncover the secrets to enhancing your frequency and aligning with success.

In another riveting chapter, we examine the power of attraction marketing and human design, and how these approaches allow for more authentic and organic connections in the business world. Molli and I discuss how attraction marketing can create a positive energy dynamic between entrepreneurs and their clients, leading to more fulfilling engagements. We also highlight the practical tools available on Molli's website, including magnetism reports and human design charts, which can provide insights into your unique attractiveness and help integrate these insights into your entrepreneurial journey. Tune in to transform your business approach by embracing your true self and tapping into your inherent magnetism.


Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, local events and more.


Welcome to the Home Business Success Show. Join us as we speak to home business entrepreneurs for tips, tricks, do's and even don'ts for running a successful home business. Welcome everyone, I'm Hank Eder, also known as Hank the PR Guy, host of the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show, the show formerly known as the Home Business Success Show. You're listening to bizradious all entrepreneurs all the time. You may be asking why we're rebranding our show. We're broadening our scope to bring insights from entrepreneurs across the whole generational spectrum. Many will still be home-based businesses, since so many entrepreneurs work that way these days, so we're reaching out for more diverse voices. Sometimes we'll be focused on bridging the generational divide. Recently, a young Facebook friend launched a series of posts laying all the problems of the world on boomers. We're taking the gloves off boomers, she said.


In my opinion, pointing the finger of blame at anyone is never productive. Productive. Stereotyping anyone, whether it's race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or for reasons of ageism, is never productive. My goal for this show is to encourage honest dialogue, as well as to reveal how our similarities far outweigh our differences. And while we're doing that, we'll always have a strong dose of business do's and don'ts. Next week, I'll share more about our new direction. Our guest today, molly Liu, is a spiritual advisor and business consultant who masterfully blends the principles of the law of attraction with attraction marketing. Specializing in human design and gene keys, she leads strategy sculptors in guiding entrepreneurs to achieve personal and professional alignment Through her transformative membership program, group membership, group mentorships and one-on-one coaching, molly combines a holistic lifestyle approach with practical business strategies, empowering her clients to attract success and fulfillment by embracing their authentic selves. Welcome to the show, molly.

Molli :

Thanks for having me, Hank. I'm so excited to be here as part of your whole rebrand. It feels very in alignment.


It does feel in alignment. It's an honor to have you here as my first show with a new rebrand. Anyway, to get started, if you would please tell our audience about what it is that you do?

Molli :

Yeah, so what I do really is that, when we align with our true self, what happens is when we really break down these barriers we have with ourselves to fully expressing who we are and take off all of the masks of conditioning right, of conditioning right, something really amazing happens, where this magnetism that we have really starts to shine and we can really start attracting that.

Molli :

And if you've ever gone into a room or gone to a party and there's that person that's just, there's something more to them than charisma, right, it's a magnetism, it's like this strength that you just there, there's something more to them than charisma, right, it's, it's a magnetism, it's like this strength that you just want to get to know them, and they tend to have be the life of the party, whether anybody knew them beforehand, really or not.

Molli :

Um, and we all have this ability, right, whether it's in an introverted or an extroverted way, like we all have this natural ability within us to do it in a way that's very unique to us, just like fingerprints. I don't know if you know this, but a friend of mine his name is CI Dixon and he is incredible. He actually was mentored by Zig Ziglar and that's a really cool story, but either way, he told me about fingerprints and how nobody that has ever lived in the past or will ever live in the future will have the exact same fingerprint as you, and like I knew that, but it really just sunk in at that moment and really it just blew my mind and that's really what, like what our energy signature is like, and so when we really hone that, we can really pull in everything that's meant for us and simultaneously repel the things that aren't right for us, and that's what I teach.


That's awesome. So then we have a unique, specific energy signature that's unlike anybody else's on the planet who's ever lived or ever will live.

Molli :



That's incredible. Well, you and I met at an online business networking event and I knew as soon as I saw you in the room that we had to connect. If you would please give us a little bit of insight on why that kind of thing happens?

Molli :

This is. I just want to preface. This is my own take on this, and I love that question because I have a very nuanced answer to it. Okay, so this goes into quantum mechanics a little bit, right, there's this thing that is becoming more well known called quantum entanglement and how, just to give a quick preface on it so a particle that's here and a particle that's on the very end edge of the universe, right? Could instantaneously affect each other because they are entangled on the quantum field, right? So whatever happens to one here, the same exact thing will happen to that particle if they're entangled and entwined.

Molli :

Understanding based on my own thing, right, that as we raise our frequency, basically as we align more and more with ourselves and who we're really here to be and embody, and that magnetism, as we shift in these different layers of frequency, we shift into these new layers of entanglement, right? So let's say you raise your frequency up, Well, suddenly all the things that used to be entangled with you fall away because you're not vibrating at the same frequency. So now you have these new entanglements, right? And so when you're vibrating at the same frequency as somebody else number one you can feel that that's, you're going to be pulled towards that and in that direction and I believe that's where our life experiences occur is we're pulled in the direction of our entanglement at each layer, each frequency layer, to the experiences that we need to grow to keep raising our frequency.


Yeah. So then that ties in probably to what you said a few minutes about magnetism. Is magnetism basically a function of the quantum entanglement?

Molli :

So that magnetism is, yes, the higher frequency you are, while you are drawn more towards things that are higher frequency, things that are lower frequency see you as just like radiating so strongly. And we all have this. I believe we all have this inherent desire to raise our frequency and grow because it just it feels really good, right.

Molli :

And so when we see somebody else embodying that, we want more of it, because when we're close, to it it helps amplify us as well, which is why I like working in groups, because the higher we all raise ourselves, the more we align, the easier it is for everybody else to align. And it's this culmination effect, right Like, if you've ever I mean I met you in a networking group, right, and when you're in a really good networking group, you can just feel everybody elevate together, together, and I think we've all experienced that in one way or another, whether you agree with this theory or not. Right Like, you can feel the shift. It's the top five people that you spend your time with. Right, it's that same principle.


So that's like the synergy effect, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. And I think that happens in groups where you've really found your tribe and you could feel it a little bit in in other, like you know, more random groups, like the network, like the business networking group that we met in, because everybody is of all different states of consciousness in those kind of groups, but those there's that expression like attracts, like you know, they find each other.

Molli :

Yeah, exactly Exactly Like I know when you reached out to me. You know I mentioned this before how there can be a lot of people, you know, mass DM because they're just trying to figure out life. Right, they're trying to figure out okay. I've seen other people mass message in these networking groups, so I like to put that little filter there. But I knew as soon as I sent the message asking you further, just to make sure you weren't one of those people. I looked at you and I was like, oh, I didn't even need to do that. You know like, oh, okay, I recognize. I just saw the name and I'd seen you earlier and was like he looks cool and was also drawn to you, right, but I didn't make the name connection quite yet.


I guess that sometimes we want to what's the word I'm looking for? We want to cover all the bases. So we want to make sure in your case that this wasn't a mass DM from somebody. But at the same time, sometimes in the process of covering all the bases, we might miss a signal or two, but that's okay. You know, having that level of the filter there was great, because when you asked the question, you know I knew precisely why it was that I wanted to speak with you. In our introduction we mentioned that you're into human design and gene keys. What could you tell us about those things?

Molli :

Yeah. So human design. One of the biggest things about it is, well, number one. It's again, it goes back to quantum physics and I won't dive into that part of it too much, so that this whole episode is about quantum physics, but I will say that basically, it's a surprisingly logical sounding kind of woo-woo, right, and that's why it's so enticing. I tend to work with people who may not be on the other side of woo-woo yet, right, like that's where that magical realism place. That step over that fulcrum point is really one of my favorite things to be part of. It's a really I'm really grateful to be part of that process. But the reason that human design is so helpful there is because it's such a tangible thing, right, but there is, it's an endless well.

Molli :

So we have these two charts. One of them is when our prefrontal cortex forms, and that's called the personality, and the other one is when we are born, and that is the design side, and these two things are overlaid, right. So if you ever feel yourself like fighting against yourself and you're like why am I doing this? Well, this is why, right. And you're like why am I doing this? Well, this is why right. Because your personality and your design, your physical and your mental, emotional processes, your ego versus your physical presence sometimes can have like a more, like a stronger difference than others, and so that can give this butting heads with yourselves kind of vibe, which with alignment dissipates, but with these two overlays together which really like starts everything. Like this is the thing that ignites your genius, right. It really helps you tap into and open up this whole new world for yourself, where you can start to really see things differently, right, and reshape them.

Molli :

And then we go through this alchemical process of sorts, right where that's where the magnetism really starts to be honed. That's the first step of this second process, and so we really go into those three seven-year cycles that we experienced growing up, the first one being when we're really coming into our body. Those first seven years of our life everything seems new to us, right, like a lot of us remember growing up there were, like the world seemed, seemed so strange those first seven years because we're completely new here, and so it's about that section. And then the next seven-year cycle is where the emotional part of our intelligence has really started to solidify. And then the third seven-year cycle is the intellectual piece, and so when we unwind these pieces, we can really understand. Okay, this is where I picked up these conditionings and these habits and we kind of chip away at the things that stand between us and organic success right, that success that's receptive and sort of effortless.


Yeah Well, you know you mentioned that in the first seven years the world seems strange, and most of the time to me the world still seems a little strange.

Molli :

I mean that means that you're in healthy alignment with that part of yourself, because the world is strange.


The world is strange. Definitely, definitely, yeah. So what is attraction marketing? Because how does that tie into the law of attraction?

Molli :

Right. So it's really interesting to me that that hasn't like. I was just talking about this the other day with someone, I don't know how, and there has to be somebody out there doing this too, because it makes no sense to me. But attraction marketing is the receptive side of marketing. It's where you are putting yourself out there and people are interested in what you do and they come to you. It's where you're not chasing them. There's a lot of ways to do it, but it is law of attraction. It's law of attraction through the entrepreneurial path.

Molli :

But I haven't seen a lot of people really put two and two together yet and articulate it in that way, which is just fascinating to me because it's so obviously the same thing. But yeah, it's really. It's really figuring out how you, your branding, works and really presenting yourself in a way that and connecting deeper right. It's these deeper connections that come from it and everybody involved just feels really good afterwards because they, like the clients, had the autonomy to choose and find you and to feel really good about making that empowered decision, and you feel great because you know that you're helping the right people rather than convincing people to work with you.


Um, you, you know that it's an autonomous decision for the right reasons and like that changes the whole energy dynamic of how you can work with clients yeah, there's quite a difference between, I think, uh, trying to coerce someone into working with you or shaming them into working with you or with you, or shaming them into working with you or creating some atmosphere of fear about what will happen to them if they don't work with you, as opposed to having that law of attraction and having the attraction, not just the attraction marketing, but having that alignment between the individuals actually come into focus and be the guiding factor.

Molli :

Yeah, absolutely.

Molli :

And you know, there is this whole human element right, of fear of missing out and things like that.

Molli :

Like those are still active parts of attraction, marketing and like the type that I do, but it's an organic one, right, like the groups that I run. What happens is is that word of mouth happens and, as we know, word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing still, because, you know, social proof is everything, and so word of mouth is very, very organic form of social proof. It's like the OG of social proof here. And so what happens is is people talk about the transformations and how excited they are about things that are happening and like I just ran a three-day series and there were tears in multiple points of it, like heavy emotional, like just shedding old conditioning tears right Lightning, and so those people are going to share that experience with the people they care about most and that's going to be such a powerful thing that those people are then going to want to be part of it and they don't want to miss out on that. So that's an organic fear of missing out without having to create a false sense of FOMO with shame, you know yeah.


There's been too much shame going on in the world anyway. I mean, most of us are brought up that way, but yeah, and then we're trying to unwind it as the years go by. So, yeah, you mentioned earlier. You know we talked about human design and two different phases. People who visit your website have the opportunity to find out about their human design. Right, there's like a survey they can get involved in and they can learn about their human design, and there's a second survey there. Would you tell us just a little about that?

Molli :

Are you talking about the magnetism report?

Molli :

Yeah, the magnetism report and the human design report and people can go to your website and get those yeah, so there is a complimentary chart maker and for human design where you can put in your information and get the chart, and I like to include I have descriptions of the biggest components of it there. So it's not just this thing that comes out and you're like what am I supposed to do with whatever? This is Right, like. So there's actually articulated language there to help you a bit understand what any of it means. And then you also have the option of getting the what I call the magnetism report, and there's actually three processes. I mentioned two of them. The third one is the sequence, where everything is integrated into your business, right, and really focuses on branding and marketing and taking all the things that we've done and integrating them. Now the magnetism report is part of it's that transition piece between the first part of the process and the second part. It's the bridge between the two, and so this magnetism is just really powerful because you can look at it and be like, oh OK, this report is just so powerful because it helps you understand.

Molli :

For example, my magnetism is gate 11. And gate 11 is all about magical realism. That's the it's. So there's three frequencies of each of them and the shadow for my gate 11 is wow, I just totally spaced the exact word for some reason, but what it is is it's uh, basically it's like this fog, right, the energy behind it is this fog, that obscurity. It's obscurity and it keeps me from seeing the reality. It keeps me kind of stuck in. If I were, when I was in the shadow, right, I couldn't see that. What was behind that veil, right, and then once I stepped out of that frequency and was able to raise to the next level, to the middle path, it's this magical realism that I was talking about, where I can turn the mundane into magical and make life feel magical again.

Molli :

And talking to any of my clients, and even just like hearing this, you'll probably see that right, this way of really like making things exciting again, and that's how I pull people towards me. So that's how accurate. It is right, and it's amazing. And sometimes people find the shadow doesn't resonate and typically that's because it's so uncomfortable to look at. It's funny. That's the one thing that people will be like the shadow doesn't resonate. Well, I want you to just contemplate that for a little bit. Right, because it's really hard to look at our shadows, um, because we don't want to believe them.


We don't want to have to deal with that right, because that usually involves some of the traumatic experiences and stuff that led us to be kind of attached to that shadow. Anyway. Anyway, we're running out of time. Time really just flew by. What is your website where people can actually get their reports, their complimentary reports?

Molli :



Cool, it sounds like I'm slacking and I need to get there and get my reports At strategysculptorscom. Cool, it sounds like I'm slacking and I need to get there and get my reports. I really have every intention of going to do that, and I think I'm going to do it before the day is over. Anyway, what is the best way for our listeners to get in touch with you?

Molli :

Filling out your report, you join my email list. That's one thing, that's big, and you'll find out about all the events that I have. I'm also very active on Alignable and LinkedIn, as well as TikTok, and you can always email me at molly, at strategysculptorscom.


And I want to point out to our listeners that Molly is M-O-L-L-I.

Molli :

Oh yeah, that's important.


Yeah mo at.

Molli :



All right, well, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for being here with us today, molly, and to our listeners, join us next Wednesday on the Zoomers to Boomers Business Show right here on bizradious. As you go about your day today, I want to remind you to practice kindness. It's the greatest uniter this world has ever known. I'll see you again next week. This is Hank Eder, wishing all of you a fabulous, productive and successful day.