The Zoomers to Boomers Business Show

Guest: Empowerment Coach Lesley King

Hank Eder / Lesley King Season 1 Episode 12

Hank’s guest is Empowerment Coach Lesley King. LesIey was drawn to filmmaking in college and began working as a freelancer in film production. She said she was amazed to be part of this business, and she moved to LA to the film mecca to work on a hot new tv show.  But when she saw how people in TV and film were living, she knew she wanted something different and started her journey to figure out what was next in her career and life. 

Here in North Carolina, she married and, at first, jumped on her husband’s dream to do a bed and breakfast and then a coffee shop. These revealed themselves to not be the careers she wanted, but they showed her more about what she did like and dislike in work situations.  

When their marriage broke up, she went back to film production to get out of debt and stabilize her life, but once she met those goals, she was ready for something new, not quite knowing what that would be.

A friend recommended a coach to help figure it out. She hadn’t heard about coaching in the past. When they began exploring some of her ideas, Lesley started to look at what a coaching career would be like. She has always wanted to make the world better place and to help people be happy with their career and life. Happy people make the world happier.  As an Empowerment Coach, Leslie says she loves watching her clients dream and figure out more about who they are, then get creative and design the life they want. She says helping them make it happen is very fulfilling.



Phone: 828-206-1991

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